Whenever and wherever you notice dryness in your skin, such as flakiness or powdery skin, take care of it. The barrier function of plant oils keeps the skin moisturized and makes problems less noticeable. Contains carefully selected ingredients, clean manufacturing process, paraben-free, mineral oil-free, fragrance-free, colorant-free, hypoallergenic design. Patch-tested by people with sensitive skin* *Not all people will experience skin irritation.
Shiseido has been conducting research on sensitive skin for over 40 years. In 1971, Shiseido launched a product that could be called a forerunner of cosmetics for sensitive skin. In 1971, the company launched a product that could be called the forerunner of cosmetics for sensitive skin. Later, as women entered the workforce, the company focused on the skin of women living in a stressed society, and in 1997, "d program" was born.